Segawa Akira is an ordinary high school student. But there are cute older girls around him: Hinomiya Yu, a teacher at his school;Takamori Sana, a childhood friend The hero lost his father at an early age and had no brother, so the girls who played with him when he was younger were like family to him. As he got older, he began to notice some changes in his body-all of which occurred when he thought about his girlfriends. He decided to consult the school nurse, Tachibana Kimika. She was very pretty, so the hero got a hard-on. He was embarrassed, but the nurse calmed him down by showing unusual ability to solve such a “complicated” problem. Akira experienced true bliss. He had heard of “birth control,” but this was no problem. Down with the boring days! It was time for depraved adventures! Poor hero, he didn’t yet realize the danger that lay ahead of him…