Koharu Biyori – Ep.2


“I, Takaya Murase, am a real doll fetishist, and I don’t deny it, that’s my lifestyle, that’s my passions and interests. But I’m getting bored with ordinary dolls all the time… So I decided to get myself a live robot girl. With her I could enjoy all the pleasures of male life. Except I got the wrong maid. Was she supposed to be insubordinate to her master in the program?! What? There’s no such thing?!? So it’s a program malfunction!? But it’s even more interesting… let’s see who’s who… We’ll see. I’ll make you, Yui, do ALL my demands and wear ALL the clothes I bring you. For I, Takaya Murase, am a fetishist… and THIS says it all! So be it my way.”