Plot: The sexual amusements of the rich bum Kazato. Hentai shows the paradisiacal life of the offspring of a financial tycoon. He has slave girls in his luxurious house. All of them are studying together with the lord in college. Their fate the girls have chosen for themselves. And not just picked, but begged from the grim son of the tycoon. There are four slave girls in all, and each has its own story. One of them, Ayano, constantly lurked for the future lord on the college playground. She desperately batted her eyes, feigned a fate-appointed meeting, and, of course, did not skimp on servile language, which immediately made the uncooperative lord nauseous. Ayano was jealous of the other girl, Momichi, whom the lord had his eye on. “She can’t beat Kazato away from me!” – Ayano declares confidently to herself. When her arsenal of feminine seduction was empty to no avail, the pesky girl ventured into blackmail. She managed to take pictures of Kazato taking advantage of Momichi in the women’s locker room. The rich son only chuckles: he cannot take such a threat seriously. But something about this cheeky bitch appeals to him nonetheless. So why not rape her in the dirtiest and most humiliating manner? She deserved the pleasure… In the end, Ayano gets his way. “And I like you…” – Kazato condescendingly declares at last, “I think I’ll make you my slave.” It is easy to guess that the young bartender’s favor does not at all promise elevated feelings. It is only humiliating coercion. It is a dubious pleasure to be the plaything of the wealthy, capricious and cruel Kazato. Thus Ayano becomes the governess of the Mikado family-one of four. Kazato has fun with the girls without false modesty. Everything is here: scenes on the college roof, in the park on the carousel, in the gambling parlor; a vibrator in an intimate place when a girl is in a public place. Entertaining in the bathroom looks like “Goodnight Babies” against this backdrop. Kajato does not deny himself the pleasure of watching a lesbian show, which the governesses obligingly arrange for him at any moment. Dad solemnly announces a contest: he will choose the one who lasts the longest. All four governesses are wretched creatures. They are slaves not only in their social nature. Their thinking is worthy of reptilian serfs. Here is one telling scene: two of the girls are sitting in the maids’ room, ready to carry out their masters’ orders. Another one appears, having just completed the program with her son, and she excitedly goes on to detail how everything went. The others are drooling (and from below, of course), “Why is it only with you? We want to, too!” A new call to the maids’ room, and another lucky girl rushes off to please herself and her fat son. Even in bed, the girls argue out loud about who the master will choose, and offer themselves to Kajato as if they were traders of stale goods. They brawl almost in front of the master, exchanging vile jealousies. The only thing of note is that the son definitely singles out Momichi among the “magnificent four”, for whose possession he had to pay well. Hentai is silent on who and how, but there is no desire to get to the truth here – rich narcissists, as we know, have their own quirks. And their own, incomparable perversions.