The first part is the story of a pubescent teenager Hotaru, who drops out of school to run the Sakura grocery store, which he inherited from his dead father. Hotaru also takes care of his stepmother and stepsister. His father’s death apparently caused some sort of mental shift in Hotaru’s mind, as he is unable to control his sexual desire and is rather quick to engage in sexual intercourse with his stepmother. In bed, he cynically compares his physical abilities to his father’s, forcing his stepmother to admit that he is superior to him in everything… The second part deals with the relationship of the newlyweds. He is an assistant director, she is a housewife. On the first wedding night, the spouse “deflates” rather quickly, but his wife supports him in every way possible and believes that the next time will be better. The embarrassment, awkwardness, and typical mistakes of still inexperienced partners are very well illustrated in this sense. And I naively thought: this episode would be less disgusting to watch. But then began the nonsense about adultery on the part of the spouse, and even in a positive way (supposedly cheating helped the main character feel confident in bed) – and I was disappointed again.